Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Weekend 2013

Designers and Brands

Magda Vachunová

  • Brand: MAYDA
  • Collection: MINE / winter 2014

Mayda is a fashion trademark created by fashion designer Magda Vachunová in 2006. Mayda is focused on women’s fashion, especially on casual wear. Model collection and custom-tailored clothing are also important part of this fashion trademark. The main attributes of Mayda´s production are elegance, well fitting cut and original screen-printing. The clothing is made from the most comfortable materials as silk, cotton, viscose or wool. Unusual colour combinations and handmade screen-printing guarantee that each piece is an original. The clothing is made in the Czech Republic with a big emphasis on material and tailor quality. Personal approach guarantees uniqueness of each model.


Runway: Friday, 20.9., 6:30 PM, Malá scéna – STUDIO, Štencův dům, Salvátorská 8, Praha 1

Contact: Magda Vachunová, Poděbradova 117, Lysá nad Labem,